How to Delete Everything after a Specific Character

To remove a portion of a string after a coma in Excel you can use the below formula:

LEFT(cell, SEARCH(“char”, cell)-1)

We have used the SEARCH function to find the position of the Cooma within the text in cell A2. This position is then passed to the LEFT function, which helps us to extract the corresponding number of characters from the beginning of the String. We have subtracted 1 from the position value returned by SEARCH, we ensure that the comma itself is excluded from the final result.

For example: If you enter this formula in cell A2 and drag it to A10, every cell in column A up to 10 will display the part of the string before the first comma in the corresponding cell of column B

In simple language, this formula allows you to remove everything after the first comma in each string, providing you with a more understandable result.

How to Remove Text Before or After a Specific Character in Excel

Do you need to clean up your data in Excel by removing text before or after a specific character? This common task can help you organize your information and make your spreadsheets more manageable. In this article, you will learn the simple steps to remove text before or after a specific character in Excel. With these easy methods, you can quickly tidy up your data and make your work more efficient.

Let’s see how to remove the text before and after a specific character or text string in Excel.

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In the enchanting realm of Excel, we’ve unraveled the secrets of text manipulation, delving into the magical world of data transformation. Through the wizardry of functions like Left, Right, and Mid, we’ve harnessed the power to extract and remove text. As our journey concludes, remember that with these newfound skills, you hold the key to transforming raw data into a masterpiece. Whether you’re a seasoned sorcerer or a beginner on the path to Excel mastery, the ability to remove text before or after a specific character adds a touch of finesse to your spreadsheet sorcery. So go ahead, weave your Excel spells, and let your data dance to the rhythm of your newfound knowledge!...

FAQs on Excel

How we can remove the text before a specific character in Excel? You have to combine LEFT, SEARCH, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to remove text before a specific character. For example: =RIGHT(B1, LEN(B1)-SEARCH(” Character,”B1))” to delete everything before a specific character in cell B1....

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