How To Create Custom Docker Network?

Follow the steps mentioned below to create custom docker bridge network.

Step 1: First all the docker networks available in the docker.

“docker network” ls will list all the networks available in the docker.

Step 2: Create docker network using below command (If it’s not created already).

 docker network create  -d bridge <network name>

Here we have created nginx coutm network by using the bridge network driver as shown in the image above.

How To Inspect Docker Network?

Applications that use containers require an understanding of Docker’s network infrastructure. With an emphasis on security, optimizing, and troubleshooting, this guide delves into Docker network inspection. Learn how to examine networks, comprehend setups, and troubleshoot connectivity problems with tools and commands that are accessible to both novice and experienced Docker users. Develop your managerial abilities with Docker networks in order to guarantee reliable containerized apps and enhanced performance.

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