How to Create a Prototype?

Following are the steps that are required to create a prototype:

Step 1: Requirements analysis

A prototyping model begins with requirement analysis. In this phase, the requirements of the system are defined in detail and gives a brief idea of the system to the user.

Step 2: Quickly Designing the Prototype

A rapid and straightforward design of the entire product is made at this stage. It is not a complete design and gives a brief idea of the system to the user.

Step 3: Creating A Prototype

It is a small working model of the required system. This should be very close if not exactly like the final product that is meant to be developed.

Step 4: Testing the Prototype

In this step to validate the design decisions before mass production, real users will be needed try the product and identify issues that might arise. It finds out any flaws and mistakes in the working model. Comment and suggestion will be collected from the customer and then provided to the developer.

Step 5: Prototype refinement

Prototype will be refined according to the feedback and suggestions in this stage. A final system is developed after receiving all the suggestions and feedback.

Step 6: Protecting the Design

Once flaws are identified its needed to protect the intellectual property. This helps to avoid plagiarism and other companies copying the design.

Step 7: Launching your test

Before launching the test, it’s important to do a trial run with a colleague or friend to check if the set-up works as expected or not.

Step 8: Sharing the results

After receiving the responses it is time to analyze the test results. It will help in improving the product and will give direction to adjust the UI and UX, and iterate to get closer to the product launch.

Step 9: Implementation of the product and Wrap up

The final product will be developed according to the final prototype model and this will be tested thoroughly. After launching of the product, remember to conduct Live Website Testing.

What is Prototyping? Definition, Types, Qualities and more

Prototyping is all about bringing ideas to life. Whether it’s a new product, a piece of software, or even a process, prototyping is the first step in turning concepts into reality. It’s like making a rough draft before the final version. This article explores prototyping, and how it’s done.

What is Prototyping?

Table of Content

  • What is Protytyping?
  • Types of Prototyping
  • How to Create a Prototype?
  • Qualities Of A Good Prototype
  • Advantages of Prototyping
  • Disadvantages of Prototyping
  • Conclusion
  • Prototyping in Design – FAQs

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Disadvantages of Prototyping

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Prototyping in Design – FAQs

When should Prototyping be used?...

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