How to Convert Timezones For tz-aware DateTime Series

To convert timezones from one timezone to another in a tz-aware DateTime Series we use the dt.tz_convert method of the Pandas library in Python.

Let us understand it better with an example:


Use the Series.dt.tz_convert() function to convert the timezone of the timestamps in the given series object.


# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# Creating the Series
sr = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2012-12-31 00:00', periods = 5, freq = 'D',
                            tz = 'US / Central'))
# Creating the index
idx = ['Day 1', 'Day 2', 'Day 3', 'Day 4', 'Day 5']
# set the index
sr.index = idx
# Print the series

Output :

Now we will use the dt.tz_convert() function to convert the timestamps in the given series object to ‘Asia/Calcutta’.


# convert to 'Asia / Calcutta'
result = sr.dt.tz_convert(tz = 'Asia / Calcutta')
# print the result

Output :

As we can see in the output, the dt.tz_convert() function has successfully converted the timezone of the timestamps in the given series object to the target timezone.

Pandas Series dt.tz_convert | Change Timezone in DateTime Series

The dt.tz_convert() method converts tz-aware DateTime Series object from one time zone to another.



import pandas as pd
sr = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2012-12-31 00:00', periods = 5, freq = 'D',
                            tz = 'US / Central'))
idx = ['Day 1', 'Day 2', 'Day 3', 'Day 4', 'Day 5']
sr.index = idx
result = sr.dt.tz_convert(tz = 'Europe / Berlin')


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