How to change the base image

Modifying the base image in a Dockerfile is a simple procedure that can have a big effect on the size, security, and functionality of your container. Take these actions to modify the base image:

1. Select a fresh basis image.

It is important to do thorough research to get a suitable base image that meets the requirements of your application before making any changes. The operating system, picture size, security features, and compatibility with your application stack are important factors to take into account. Official images from Docker Hub or other reliable sources should be given priority in order to ensure reliability and compliance with security best practices. You can choose a base image that optimizes both speed and security and serves as a strong basis for your containerized application by carefully weighing these considerations.

2. Make Dockerfile updates.

Open a text editor and choose your Dockerfile. Look for the instruction “FROM” at the start of the file, which indicates the current base image. Replace the existing image with a new one, as demonstrated in the sample below.

FROM image:version #Change the image and version as per your requirement

3. Adjust dependencies and configuration

With the variations between the old and new basic images, it may be required to update either of the dependencies, configurations, or instructions in your Dockerfile. Ensure that all required tools, libraries, and packages are installed and configured on the new base image.

4. Verify your changes.

After making changes to the Dockerfile, re-create your Docker image using the `docker build` command:

docker build -t [name:tag] .

How To Dockerize A Spring Boot Application With Maven ?

Docker is an open-source containerization tool used for building, running, and managing applications in an isolated environment. A container is isolated from another and bundles its software, libraries, and configuration files. In this article, to dockerize a Spring Boot application for deployment purposes, we will learn how to create a spring boot app, and how to create a docker image for the spring boot app and we will run it on the docker container.

Prerequisites: Before continuing any further, please ensure that node and docker are installed on your machine. If required, visit the Java Installation Guide or the Docker Installation Guide.

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