How shrinking in R8 will work?

The algorithms which are used by R8 for the reduction of app size will trace for the unused methods and unreachable code in your application and remove those methods. So R8 will start tracing your code from an entry point which we have to declare for any class and from that entry point R8 will starts tracing the code for the unused code. For example, we will take a look at a class which is created below: 


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
// entry point for R8
class GFG {
  // Method one is used
  // inside our main method.
  private void methodone(){
            System.out.println("Method 1 ");
  // Method two is not being
  // used in our main method.
  private void methodtwo(){
            System.out.println("Method 2 ");
      // Our main method
    public static void main (String[] args) {

Inside the proguard we will add the below rule to it as: 

-keep class GFG {

   public static void main (String[] args) {



In the above example, the proguard will start scanning your application from the main method and inside this method, the methodone() will be called first and after printing method one the tracing will be stopped. Then R8 will look for the unused method inside our application the unused method is methodtwo() which we are not using inside our main method. So R8 will remove that methodtwo() inside our application. and the methodone() will be renamed with some smaller names and align the code properly. After aligning the code will look like the below example. 


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
class GFG {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
            System.out.println("Method 1 ");

So inside our application in Android Studio, there are so many files that are to be traced by R8. So for tracing these files and deciding the entry point for each file aapt2 tool is used. Add the below line below to that of the line where you have enabled your proguard.

minifyEnabled true

proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android-optimize.txt’)

But while using this there are some problems with gson files When your code contains some reflection files So it will remove that code but we have to keep that code inside our project. For implementing this add the below line under the minifyEnabled true. 

proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android-optimize.txt’), ‘’, ‘’

So to overcome the issues while Gson in Android adds the line which is shown above in your build.gradle file. So in this way we have implemented the R8 app shrinking inside our application and this will helps to reduce the size of our app. 

How to use R8 to Reduce APK Size in Android?

If you are building any apps and you want to target this app to a large audience then there are so many factors which you should consider while building your apps. The most important factor while building any application is its size. The size of the app matters a lot. If your app size is very high then users don’t like to download such big apps that require such a huge storage space and data charges. So it is very important to maintain your app size for your users while building any Android application. In this article, we will take a look at reducing app size using R8. 

Below are some of the topics which we will look at in this article

  • What is R8?
  • How to use R8 shrinking in your app?
  • How the shrinking in R8 works?

The configuration required for using the R8 app shrinking

  • For enabling R8 in your application you have to use the Android Studio version like 3.4 or higher.
  • The Gradle version inside your project should have a version of around 3.4.0

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What is R8?


How to use R8 shrinking in the app?

Implementation of R8 shrinking is a single-step process. First of all, create a New Project with an empty activity inside Android Studio. For creating a new project in Android Studio. Take a look over this link on How to create a new project in Android Studio. After creating this new project. Navigate to the Gradle scripts > build.gradle(:app) and you will get to see the section of buildTypes. Inside this change minifyEnabled from false to true to enable R8. Below is the section where we have to make a change....

How shrinking in R8 will work?

The algorithms which are used by R8 for the reduction of app size will trace for the unused methods and unreachable code in your application and remove those methods. So R8 will start tracing your code from an entry point which we have to declare for any class and from that entry point R8 will starts tracing the code for the unused code. For example, we will take a look at a class which is created below:...

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