How Modern Android App Development Looks Like

Blocky is the modern way of creating android apps. Instead of traditionally coding in an IDE in Blocky represent coding concepts in form of interlocking blocks

These interlocking blocks make it easier to visualize and help in capturing the flow of the program. Blocky is an open-source library that helps us in visualizing the blocks and using blocky there are several platforms that let us create android apps. MIT App Inventor is an open-source platform that let’s use blocky for creating the android app. In this modern way, developers develop the app in two sections:

  • Designer: The designer creates the User Interface (UI) with several pre-existing components by drag and drop.
  • Blocks: Blocks do all the logic work and are used to change several properties of components used in the designer. 

Welcome to The Modern Android App Development

With the spread of smartphones, smartphone technology improved exponentially and thus smartphones occupied a huge part of the market. To meet the requirement of the user and seeing the wide-open market there came different operating systems like Android, iOS, etc but for the sake of this article, we gonna talk specifically about how Android Development changed and what it looks like today. Today for making an Android App you don’t need to learn any programming language. Little strange, right!. Yes, but, indeed, you don’t need to learn programming language but you just need to have problem-solving skills. I know that learning programming language teaches that but when we say you don’t need programming language it means you don’t need to learn syntax and semantics and the process is too visual that it doesn’t feel like coding when in reality you are doing exactly “coding”. And Yes we will learn to create a simple Android App from this article itself, so enjoy reading!

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