How Government of India Act 1935 divide powers?

The Government of India Act 1935, has divided powers between the centre and the provinces. There were three lists which have given the subjects under each of the governments:

  1. Federal List (Centre)
  2. Provincial List (Provinces)
  3. Concurrent List (Both)

The Viceroy of India came to be vested with many residual powers. The changes which were brought through the Government of India Act, of 1935 are below:

Government of India Act, 1935- Changes Brought by the Act
Sr. No. Features
1. Provincial autonomy
2. Diarchy at the centre
3. Bicameral Legislature
4. Federal Court
5. Indian Council
6. Franchise
7. Reorganisation

Provincial Autonomy

The Act has given more autonomy to the provinces and the system of diarchy was abolished at the provincial levels the Governor was made head of the executive and there was a Council of Ministers to advise him. The governors retained reserve powers and the British can suspend a provincial government.

Diarchy at the Centre

The subjects which are under Federal List are divided into Reserved and Transferred. The Reserved subjects were controlled by Governor- General who came to administer them with three counsellors who were appointed by him. The subjects included were defence, ecclesiastical affairs, and external affairs. The Transferred subjects came to be administered by the Governor General with his Council of Ministers and the subjects in this list included local government, forests, education etc.

Bicameral Legislature

A bicameral federal legislature came to be established and two houses of Federal Assembly and Council of States were present and the federal assembly had a term of 5 years. Bicameral legislatures were introduced in Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Bihar, Assam and the United Provinces.

Federal Court

Federal Court was established in Delhi for the resolution of disputes between provinces, as well as centres and provinces. The Federal Court had to have 1 Chief Justice and not more than 6 judges.

Indian Council

The Indian Council came to be abolished and the Secretary of State for India had a team of advisors.


The Act came to introduce direct elections in India for the first time.


Some of the important reorganisations which took place were Sindh was carved out of the Bombay Presidency; Bihar and Orissa came to be split, and Burma came to be severed off from India. Aden was made a crown colony and separated from India.

Government of India Act 1935

The Government of India Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1935 in the month of August. It was referred to as one of the longest acts which were enacted in India by the British Parliament and were divided into two separate acts, namely the Government of India Act 1935 and the Government of Burma Act 1935.

Government of India Act 1935

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