How do Web3 and Metaverse Connect with Each Other?

While the metaverse and Web 3.0 aren’t the same things, they’re also not opposing visions of the future internet – one, both, or none may happen, and there could be some overlapping that may happen in the future.

A digital artist may, for example, design an outfit for an avatar to wear in the metaverse and then sell it at auction alongside an NFT. This would give the buyer sole ownership of the costume; if others duplicated it, their avatars would be wearing knock-offs. There’s also the potential that we’ll wind up with a Web 3.0 that we access through desktops and cellphones, rather than VR headsets.

That’s especially plausible if the tech sector can’t overcome present technology constraints. Intel recently asserted that computers will need to be 1,000 times more efficient to support the metaverse, and to date, we’re yet to receive VR headsets that are comfortable and inexpensive for us to wear. Not everyone can afford  $599 or INR 49k worth of VR headset!

Web3 vs. Metaverse: What’s the Difference

Web3 and Metaverse – two omnipotent words or terms that are generating hype and bringing a wave of excitement to the world of finance and business. Most people are still unaware that the world is shifting from Web2 to Web3 and often confuse these terms. Although they are related in several important ways, they both represent different concepts. The world is moving swiftly toward Web3 –

  • From AWS to IPFS
  • From LLC to DAO
  • From Physical assets to NFT
  • From Chrome to Brave
  • From bank to Metamask
  • From monopoly centralized systems to decentralized blockchains
  • From Facebook to Steemit

Since the world is shifting toward the new gen of the internet, we need to see what’s the difference between these two terms. Before that, let’s see what is web3 and metaverse to understand these two terms in brief.

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How do Web3 and Metaverse Connect with Each Other?

While the metaverse and Web 3.0 aren’t the same things, they’re also not opposing visions of the future internet – one, both, or none may happen, and there could be some overlapping that may happen in the future....

What’s the Difference Between Web3 and Metaverse?

Basis Web3 Metaverse Definition Web 3.0 will be based on a decentralized blockchain system that will not allow for centralized ownership of information, services, or platforms. The Metaverse is a 3D interactive experience space that allows users to interact with 3D objects using augmented, virtual, and mixed reality. The Application’s Scope It’s applicable throughout the internet. Currently, it’s in progress as it’ll take time to develop and some of the areas are still under scrutiny.  Target Web3 targets blockchain-controlled and peer-to-peer controlled facilities. Metaverse targets AR, VR, and MR/XR facilities.  Application It applies to democratic internet systems and permissionless financial networks like Crypto. Web 3 leverages ML, AI, and blockchain to attain real-world human communication.  It applies in the virtual gaming world, 3D surgeries, peer-to-peer virtual meetups, etc.  Depiction Individuals can own the internet and regulate it on their own accord.  Turning physical materials into virtual material in a virtual world. Underlying technology Blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, DAOs. AR/VR, 3D Reconstruction, Internet of Things (IoT), Edge Computing & 5G, Blockchain.  Technical  Powered by DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), AI, and Blockchain.  Powered by 5G communication, extended reality, brain-computer interfaces, cloud computing, blockchain, digital twins, creators economy, and artificial intelligence....


The metaverse will be omnipresent in the far future, as well as Web3, but for the time being, we are unclear. We may infer that the metaverse is a three-dimensional universe in which you can connect with three-dimensional people, items, and locations. You may, for example, play games with your pals from the creator’s ground. Users may nurture, own, sell, and acquire their material in the case of Web3. People can also charge for their work. Because this system is still in its early stages, we must constantly monitor it to see if it deepens the divide or wants to merge in the near future....


What is Web3, and how does it differ from Web1 and Web2?...

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