History of ISRO

The Indian National Space Research Committee (INCOSPAR) was developed by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1962. This committee first came under the DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) for the intention of Space Research by scientist Vikram Sarabhai.  INCOSPAR was developed under DAE till 1969 Then, In 1972 Government of India established a Space Commission and Space Department (DOS), including INCOSPAR and it became ISRO.

Since its establishment, ISRO has made significant advancements in satellite technology and has launched a number of successful missions, including the Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission, the Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan), and the recent launch of the GSAT-30 satellite.

ISRO full form

ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organization. It works under the Department of Space under the Central Government of India. ISRO has also been involved in satellite-based remote sensing, satellite-based meteorology, and satellite-based navigation. It is also renowned for its low-cost space programs and operational efficiency. Its main goal is to achieve space exploration for national growth and also is recognized as one of the world’s largest space agencies. ISRO replaced INCOSPAR and was given the mandate to develop and launch satellites for both civilian and military use.

ISRO Vision:  To harness space technology for national development while pursuing planetary exploration and space science research Space Research Organization

Indian Space Research Organisation

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History of ISRO

The Indian National Space Research Committee (INCOSPAR) was developed by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1962. This committee first came under the DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) for the intention of Space Research by scientist Vikram Sarabhai.  INCOSPAR was developed under DAE till 1969 Then, In 1972 Government of India established a Space Commission and Space Department (DOS), including INCOSPAR and it became ISRO....

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Achievements and Satellites Launched by ISRO

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Interesting  Facts About ISRO

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