Himalayas as Young fold Mountains

The Himalayas are apparently India’s greatest historical heritage. The Indian subcontinent’s northern region is well-known for its snow-capped mountains. For the following reasons, the Himalayas are referred to be “young fold mountains.”

  1. Due to tectonic activity, the earth’s crust folded and created these mountains (fold mountains are formed when two tectonic plates collide with one another).
  2. Originated when the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates collided as a result of continental drift.
  3. They were just beginning to form a few million years ago.
  4. When two or more of the tectonic plates of Earth are forced together, fold mountains are created.
  5. Rock outcrops, hills, mountains, and entire mountain ranges are distorted and folded as a result of the compressing boundaries, rocks, and debris at this point of impact.

Why are Himalayas called Young fold Mountains?

Fold mountains are created when two plates collide. A continental and an oceanic platform collide, or two continental plates do. The two plates move sedimentary rocks upward onto several other plates. Sedimentary cliffs that can be found on the edges of continents make up the Fold Mountains in the majority of cases. This is due to the fact that the heaviest sedimentary rock strata typically gather towards the edges of continents. The deposited rock layers crumble and fold like the tabletop when flat dishes and continents arrive at the table.

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