Heat Conduction

Heat conduction is the movement of heat from one object to another when they are in contact with each other. It occurs when there is a temperature difference between the two bodies. It is caused due to the movement of electrons within the body.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material is factor that depicts how well a material can transfer its heat energy from one molecule to another.

Conduction in matters depends on various factors, some of them are discussed below-

Cross-section of material: Transfer of heat is directly proportional to the cross-section of the material. More the cross-section area of the material, more rapidly the conduction of heat takes place.

Length of the material: Length of a material represents the distance through which the conduction of heat takes place. It is inversely proportional to the conduction of heat, i.e., lesser the length, more rapidly the transfer of heat takes place.

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Classification of Material Based on Conductivity

Based on the conductivity of the substance, there are two types of substances:

Conductors: These are the substances which allows the heat energy to flow through them easily. They are called good conductors of heat or simply conductors. These substances offer low resistance to thermal conductivity. Some examples of conductors are- copper, aluminum, iron, graphite, etc.

Insulators: These are the substances which does not allow the heat energy to flow through them easily . They are called bad conductors of heat or simply insulators. These substances offer high resistance to thermal conductivity. Some examples of insulators are- plastic, mica, air, wood, fabrics, etc.


Conduction is the transfer of energy (heat or electricity) from one object to another when there is direct contact between these objects. During Conduction, a molecule gains energy and starts vibrating. This energy is then transferred to the other surrounding molecules until complete transfer of energy within the body is complete.

In this article, we will understand the meaning of conduction, types of conduction, Fourier’s Law, Conduction Resistance, and Heat conduction along with the difference between conduction, convection, and radiation.

Table of Content

  • What is Conduction?
  • Types of Conduction
  • Fourier’s Law
  • Conduction Resistance
  • Heat Conduction
  • Difference Between Conduction, Convection and Radiation

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