
Used in order to create a new hash table.


// function to delete a key from the hashtable 
delete (key) {
const index = this._setKey(key);
if (this.table[index]) {
this.table[index] = [];
return true;
} else {
return false;

Hashing in JavaScript

Hashing is a popular technique used for storing and retrieving data as fast as possible. The main reason behind using hashing is that it performs insertion, deletion, searching, and other operations 

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Why use Hashing?

In hashing, all the operations like inserting, searching, and deleting can be performed in O(1) i.e. constant time. The worst case time complexity for hashing remains O(n) but the average case time complexity is O(1)....


Used in order to create a new hash table....

Basic Operations with Syntax


Components of Hashing in Javascript

1. Hash Table: A hash table is a generalization of the array. It gives the functionality in which a collection of data is stored in such a way that it is easy to find those items later if required. This makes searching for an element very efficient....

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