Harry Potter House Quiz Questions and Answers

Here are category wise harry potter house quiz questions and answers which are for both kids and adults, just you have to be a super fan of the harry potter sereis.

  • Gryffindor House
  • Hufflepuff Questions
  • Ravenclaw Questions
  • Slytherin Questions

Harry Potter House Quiz: Find Your Hogwarts Home?

Ever wondered which Hogwarts house you’d fit into? Our “Harry Potter House Quiz: Find Your Hogwarts Home?” is here to unlock the secrets of J.K. Rowling’s magical universe and find out where your true loyalties lie. Whether you see yourself as a brave Gryffindor, a loyal Hufflepuff, a wise Ravenclaw, or a cunning Slytherin, this quiz is your key to discovering your Hogwarts destiny.

The Harry Potter series has captivated millions worldwide, weaving a rich tapestry of adventure, friendship, and magic. At the heart of this spellbinding world is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a place where young witches and wizards learn their craft and form lifelong allegiances.

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Harry Potter House Quiz Questions and Answers

Here are category wise harry potter house quiz questions and answers which are for both kids and adults, just you have to be a super fan of the harry potter sereis....

Harry Potter House Quiz – Gryffindor House

1. Who is the founder of Gryffindor House?...

Harry Potter House Quiz – Hufflepuff Questions

6. What is the Hufflepuff house animal?...

Harry Potter House Quiz – Ravenclaw Questions

11. What is the Ravenclaw house animal?...

Harry Potter House Quiz – Slytherin Questions

16. What is the Slytherin house animal?...

Harry Potter House Quiz – Mixed House Questions

21. What is the Sorting Hat’s song at the end of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”?...

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