Grading Exam Scores

Criteria: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), F (0-59)


# Define the grading function for exam scores
grade_exam <- function(score) {
    if (score >= 90) {
    } else if (score >= 80) {
    } else if (score >= 70) {
    } else if (score >= 60) {
    } else {
# Load the dataset
student_data <- data.frame(
  StudentName = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve"),
  ExamScore = c(85, 72, 93, 60, 78)
# Apply the grade_exam function to classify students based on exam scores
student_data$Grade <- sapply(student_data$ExamScore, grade_exam)
# Print the updated dataset with grades


  StudentName ExamScore Grade
1 Alice 85 B
2 Bob 72 C
3 Charlie 93 A
4 David 60 D
5 Eve 78 C

Grade Classification Based on Multiple Conditions in R

Grade classification based on multiple conditions is a common task in data analysis, often performed using programming languages like R. This process involves assigning grades or labels to data points based on predefined criteria or conditions. In this context, we’ll explore how to classify data into different grades using R, considering various conditions.

Table of Content

  • Concepts Related to the Topic:
  • Steps Needed:
  • Grading Exam Scores
  • Grading Customer Satisfaction
  • Grade Calculation for Student
  • Conclusion

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Grading Exam Scores

Data Import: Start by importing your dataset into R. This could be in the form of a CSV, Excel, or other file formats. Data Exploration: Explore your data to understand its structure and identify the variables you want to use for grade classification. Define Grading Criteria: Determine the criteria for assigning grades. These criteria could be numeric thresholds, string matching, or a combination of conditions. Create a Function: Write a function that takes your data and applies the grading criteria to classify each data point into the appropriate grade. Apply the Function: Apply the function to your dataset, adding a new column that contains the assigned grades. Review and Verify: Double-check the results to ensure the grade classification is accurate and meets your expectations....

Grading Customer Satisfaction

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Grade Calculation for Student



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