Git Push And Pull Commands

This command is used to push all the commits of the current repository to the tracked remote repository. This command can be used to push your repository to multiple repositories at once.


$ git push -u origin master

To push all the contents of our local repository that belong to the master branch to the server (Global repository).   

Git Pull

Pull command is used to fetch the commits from a remote repository and stores them in the remote branches. There might be a case when other users perform changes on their copy of repositories and upload them with other remote repositories. But in that case, your copy of the repository will become out of date. Hence, to re-synchronize your copy of the repository with the remote repository, the user has to just use the git pull command to fetch the content of the remote repository.


$ git pull

What Is a GIT Repository?

The repositories of Github act as essential places for storing the files with maintaining the versions of development. By using GitHub repositories developers can organize, monitor, and save their changes of code to their projects in remote environments. The files in the GitHub repository are imported from the repository into the local server of the user for further updations and modifications in the content of the file. In this article, we will go through a detailed understanding of the GitHub repository and its workflow.

Table of Content

  • What Is Git?
  • Features Of Git
  • Version Control With Git
  • Understanding The Working Tree In A Git Repository
  • Overview Of Git Repository Operations
  • Cloning And Synchronizing With Remote Repositories
  • Git Push And Pull Commands
  • Additional Git Commands
  • Conclusion
  • Git Repository – FAQs

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What Is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system that is used to store the source code in software development to track its changes. It facilitates the developers to work collaboratively with teams on repositories to manage the codebase versions i.e., maintaining the history of project modifications. On using git, developers can seamlessly move through the different project states, and merge changes efficiently ensuring a streamlined and organized approach to software development....

Features Of Git

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Version Control With Git

A VCS or the Version Control System is used to track versions of the files and store them in a specific place known as repository. The process of copying the content from an existing Git Repository with the help of various Git Tools is termed git cloning. Once the cloning process is done, the user gets the complete repository on his local machine. Git by default assumes the work to be done on the repository as a user, once the cloning is done. Users can also create a new repository or delete an existing repository. To delete a repository, the simpler way is to just delete the folder containing the repository. Repositories can be divided into two types based on the usage on a server. These are:...

Understanding The Working Tree In A Git Repository

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Overview Of Git Repository Operations

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Cloning And Synchronizing With Remote Repositories

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Git Push And Pull Commands

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Additional Git Commands

Git Status...


In conclusion, this article went on thoroughly exploring the git repositories and their usage in collaborative development and version control. We discussed on covering the every requirement such as cloning and synchronization and how it facilitating the developers with effective processes. The capabilities and adaptiveness of git with security protocols makes it invaluable tool for repository management in software development....

Git Repository – FAQ’s

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