git gc options

$ cd gc --aggressive

The git gc command usually has a quick execution speed, as well as flawless disc space efficiency and desired performance. As a result, the aggressive command will improve memory efficiency while slowing down execution. Because this can take longer than expected, the impacts of assertive command are usually lasting.

$ cd gc --auto

You can use this option to determine whether or not a warehouse is required. It simply moves out if you don’t need it. When configuration variables like or gc.autoPackLimit are used in conjunction with the git auto command, the cleaning mechanism is automatically triggered.

$ cd gc --prune=<date>

The prune command is identical to this one. This command’s main aim is to eliminate or keep losing control of things that have been specified on a specific date. It merely displays the older objects that were present at a certain point in time. As a result, if another operation is running in the repository at the same time, the aging and danger of corruption are raised.

$ cd gc --no-prune

This command simply removes all of the repository’s missing objects.

$ cd gc --quite

This command is used to remove all previous progress reports.

$ cd gc --force

Despite the fact that another git gc command may be running in the repository, this command is utilized to conduct the current command. It takes precedence over the previously running git gc command and executes it.

$ cd gc --keep-largest-pack

Git – GC (Garbage Collection)

Git is a distributed version control system that efficiently handles projects of all sizes. However, over time, a Git repository can accumulate a lot of unnecessary data such as loose objects, unreachable commits, and more. To manage this data, Git employs a garbage collection mechanism, git gc, which cleans up and optimizes the repository. This article explores what Git garbage collection is, how it works, and how to use it effectively.

Table of Content

  • What is Git Garbage Collection?
  • Why is Garbage Collection Important?
  • How Does Git GC Work?
  • Significance of git gc aggressive
  • How is git prune different from git gc?
  • What is the meaning of git gc auto?
  • git gc options

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What is the meaning of git gc auto?

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git gc options

$ cd gc --aggressive...

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