Getting Started with Safari Web Inspector Tool

Steps to Open the Safari Web Inspector Tool

Here are the steps to make the most of Safari’s development tools:

Step 1: Open the web monitor, Right-click your web browser and select “Inspect Element”, or press Option + Command + I .

Step 2: Explore the various tabs in the Web Inspector, such as Elements, Console, Sources, Network, and so on.
Step 3: Review the HTML Items: Click the Elements tab to view the HTML elements and view their styles.

Step 4: Go to the Sources tab to set breakpoints, debug JavaScript code, and understand how to call functions.

Step 5: Check network activity,On the Network tab, you can see what’s happening with network requests, view request headers, and manage response data.

Step 6: Improve Performance, Use the Performance and Timeline tabs to analyze and speed up your web application.

New Features of Web Inspector in Safari

Web Inspector plays a pivotal role in streamlining the web development process within the Safari browser. It’s a suite of powerful tools enabling developers to analyze, debug, and optimize their web pages seamlessly. With continuing updates, Web Inspector becomes even more robust and sophisticated, empowering developers to achieve exceptional web experiences.

Let’s explore some of the new additions and enhancements that have been made to Safari’s Web Inspector.

Safari Web Inspector

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