Getting access to Crontab

We can get access to a crontab in five ways, three of which are system techniques that only operate on Unix-based operating systems and require the necessary permissions:

from crontab import CronTab
empty_cron    = CronTab()
my_user_cron  = CronTab(user=True)
users_cron    = CronTab(user='username')

There are other two non-system methods that will work on Windows:

file_cron = CronTab(tabfile='')
mem_cron = CronTab(tab=""" * * * * * command""")

Create Multiple jobs using python-crontab

Cron is a Unix-like operating system software utility that allows us to schedule tasks. Cron’s tasks are specified in a Crontab, which is a text file that contains the instructions to run. The Crontab module in Python allows us to handle scheduled operations using Cron. It has functionalities that allow us to access Cron, create jobs, establish limitations, and remove jobs, among other things. In this article, we will perform Multiple jobs using Python-Crontab.

Let’s get started.

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