geom_bin2d_pattern Function in R

geom_bin2d_pattern is a geom in the ggpattern package that creates a 2D histogram with a patterned fill. This geom can be useful for visualizing the density of points in a scatter plot. In geom_bin2d_pattern, the fill color of the histogram bins is determined by the density of points in that bin. The patterned fill is added to the histogram using the pattern argument, which can be set to either ‘grid’ or ‘magick’. If the pattern is set to ‘grid’, the patterns are generated using the gridpattern package. If the pattern is set to ‘magick’, the patterns are generated using the magick package. The appearance of the patterns can be controlled using various arguments such as pattern_scale, pattern_fill, bins, fill, color, and size.


This code creates a plot using the ggplot2 package, and adds a patterned background to the plot using the geom_bin2d_pattern function from the ggpattern package. The pattern_type argument is used to specify the type of pattern, which is based on the density of the data. The pattern argument is set to “magick” to specify that the patterns are generated using the magick package. The pattern_scale argument is used to control the size of the patterns, and the pattern_fill argument is used to specify the color of the patterns. The bins argument is used to specify the number of bins in the 2D histogram. The fill argument is used to specify the fill color of the histogram, and the colour argument is used to specify the color of the bin boundaries. The size argument is used to control the size of the bins. Finally, the scale_pattern_type_continuous function is used to specify the range of intensity values for the patterns, and the labs function is used to add a title and subtitle to the plot.


# Load the necessary packages
# Check if magick package is available
if (require("magick")) {
  # Create a scatter plot using ggplot2
  # and diamonds data
  p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(x, y)) +
    # Set x and y axis limits
    xlim(4, 10) + ylim(4, 10) +
    # Add a pattern background to the plot
    # using geom_bin2d_pattern
      # Specify the pattern type based on
      # the density of the data
      aes(pattern_type = ..density..),
      # Specify that the patterns are generated
      # using the magick package
      pattern       = 'magick',
      # Control the size of the patterns
      pattern_scale = 3,
      # Specify the color of the patterns
      pattern_fill  = 'black',
      # Specify the number of bins in the 2D histogram
      bins          = 6,
      # Specify the fill color of the histogram
      fill          = 'white',
      # Specify the color of the bin boundaries
      colour        = 'black',
      # Control the size of the bins
      size          = 0.5
    ) +
    # Set the theme of the plot
    theme_bw(18) +
    # Remove the legend
    theme(legend.position = 'none') +
    # Specify the range of intensity values for the patterns
    scale_pattern_type_continuous(choices =
                 gridpattern::names_magick_intensity[15:21]) +
    # Add a title and subtitle to the plot
      title = "ggpattern::geom_bin2d_pattern()",
      subtitle = "pattern = 'magick'"
  # Display the plot



ggpattern Package in R

The ggpattern package in R is a package for creating custom and visually appealing backgrounds for ggplot2 plots. The overall article is going to cover a comprehensive introduction to the ggpattern package in R, including its features and capabilities, installation and setup, and how to use it to create various types of visual patterns and backgrounds for ggplot2 plots. The article will also showcase some examples of how ggpattern can be used by the end of this article, readers should have a good understanding of the ggplot2 package and how to use it to create custom and attractive backgrounds for their plots.

Required Modules

The following modules are required to use the ggpattern package in R:

  • ggplot2: The ggplot2 package is a widely used data visualization library in R and is a required dependency for the ggpattern package.
  • grid: The grid package is used to create the underlying graphics structure of ggplot2 plots and is also a required dependency for the ggpattern package.
  • gridExtra: The gridExtra package is used to combine multiple ggplot2 plots into one figure and is optional but recommended when using the ggpattern package.



Note: If you find an error while running the code, make sure you also install some dependencies with the following command on Linux OS:

sudo apt-get install libmagick++-dev
sudo apt install libgdal-dev

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