Geohash Grid Aggregation

The geohash grid aggregation groups geo-point data into geohash cells. Let’s group products by their location.


GET /products/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"geo_grid": {
"geohash_grid": {
"field": "location",
"precision": 5


"aggregations": {
"geo_grid": {
"buckets": [
"key": "dr5ru",
"doc_count": 3
"key": "dr5r6",
"doc_count": 2

In this example, products are grouped by their location into geohash cells with a precision of 5.

Bucket Aggregation in Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a robust tool not only for full-text search but also for data analytics. One of the core features that make Elasticsearch powerful is its aggregation framework, particularly bucket aggregations. Bucket aggregations allow you to group documents into buckets based on certain criteria, making it easier to analyze and summarize your data.

This article will explain what bucket aggregations are, how they work, and provide detailed examples to help you understand their usage.

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Bucket aggregations in Elasticsearch are a powerful tool for grouping and analyzing data based on various criteria. By understanding and using different types of bucket aggregations, you can perform complex analytics and gain valuable insights into your data. Whether you’re analyzing sales data, user behavior, or any other type of information, bucket aggregations provide a flexible and efficient way to summarize and explore your data in Elasticsearch....

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