Functions of Multi Modal Logistics Park (MMLP)

A plan to construct 35 MMLPs was authorized by the Indian government in July 2017. The projects will be carried out through public-private partnerships when the state governments provide the land needed for them.

  • Distribution and aggregation of freight
  • Transportation of goods using various means
  • Combined warehousing and storage
  • Technical support for information systems
  • Added-value services

MoU for Multi Modal Logistics Park (MMLP)

Modern large-scale warehouse facilities are expected to be developed as part of the Multi Modal Logistic Park project. It is establishing itself as a one-stop shop for all services associated to cargo transit, such as warehousing, customs clearance, parking, truck repair, etc., for all sorts of commodities. It will feature all the necessary amenities, including warehouses, rail sidings, cold storage, a customs clearing house, yard space, workshops, gas stations, truck parking, office space, boarding houses, restaurants, a water treatment facility, etc. The MMLP, which is being created according to a “Hub and Spoke” model, will integrate several modes of freight transportation via inland waterways, railroads, and roadways.  The MMLP’s installation of a cutting-edge freight management system will be driven by technology. These projects will include many value-added services, including packaging, repackaging, and labeling. The MMLP will be a facility for handling freight that can be reached by both rail and road. 

In order to build Multi Modal Logistics Park (MMLP) as part of the Bharatmala Pariyojana, the National Highways Logistics Management (NHLML), Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), and Rail Vikas Nigam (RVNL) inked a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding. Under the Bharatmala Pariyojana, a tripartite MoU was inked to hasten the establishment of a contemporary Multi Modal Logistics Park (MMLP). The Bharatmala Pariyojana, an initiative of the Indian government, calls for the rapid creation of sophisticated Multi Modal Logistics Parks (MMLP) throughout the nation. The goal is to consolidate freight centrally and lower logistics spending from 14% of GDP to less than 10%, in line with international standards.

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Functions of Multi Modal Logistics Park (MMLP):

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A cutting-edge freight management system will be implemented with a technology-driven focus. These initiatives will also provide a wide range of value-added services, such as packing, repackaging, and labeling. Making the freight transportation system more affordable, effective, and clean is crucial because it forms the foundation of India’s expanding economy. In order to fully reap the rewards of current government efforts like Make in India, Atma Nirbhar Bharat, and Digital India, efficient freight transportation will also be crucial....

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