Functions in RcppArmadillo Package in R

The RcppArmadillo package in R programming provides a number of functions that are used to perform Armadillo’s functionality. A few of them are listed below:

  Method Description
1) armadillo_version() Tells the current version of the Armadillo
2) armadillo_set_seed_random() Set Armadillo random number generator to a random number
3) RcppArmadillo.package.skeleton() Creates a skeleton for a new package that uses RcppArmadillo
4) armadillo_set_seed() Set Armadillo random number generator to a particular value
5) fastLm() It is a bare-bone linear model-fitting function
6) RcppArmadillo-package Integrates R with Armadillo

rcpparmadillo Package in R

A seamless interface between R programming and the superior C++ linear algebra library Armadillo is provided by the RcppArmadillo package. Since it provides an understandable syntax and quick algorithms for matrix and vector operations, Armadillo is a popular choice for scientific computing and machine learning workloads.

With the help of the RcppArmadillo package, R users may utilize Armadillo’s functionality without sacrificing the usefulness and simplicity of the R language. It provides a set of R functions that surround the Armadillo library to carry out matrix operations, solve linear problems, compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and carry out a number of other linear algebra activities.


With Rcpp, users may call C++ code from R and vice versa. Rcpp is a package that offers a number of C++ classes and methods. The Rcpp framework, which is developed on top of the R API, offers a simple interface for fusing C++ code with R.


Armadillo is a C++ package for scientific computing and linear algebra. It gives users a high-level interface for performing operations involving linear algebra, manipulating matrices, and other typical scientific computing activities. For calculations using linear algebra that are optimized, Armadillo is built on top of the BLAS and LAPACK libraries.


Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and Linear Algebra Package (LAPACK) are libraries of efficient linear algebra processing routines. They are built in Fortran and offer highly efficient versions of typical linear algebra operations including matrix multiplication, linear system solution, and eigenvalue and eigenvector computation.

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