Function Modeling

Function Modeling is a technique used in system design and software engineering to define what each component or object in a system can do, specifying its functions, responsibilites, and interactions. It helps in clarifying the roles and behaviors of different elements within a system. Function Modeling is like writing a to-do-list for different jobs in a restaurant. It tells us what each job does and how they work together.


Take the example of a restaurant:

  • Chef: Cooks food.
  • Waiter/Waitress: Severs customers.
  • Cashier: Handle Payments
  • Busboy/Busgirl: Clears tables
  • Manager: Oversees everything

Each job has a clear function, like cooking, serving or managing. This helps everyone know their role and keeps the restaurant running smoothly, just like knowing your job description at work.

Object Oriented Analysis in Object Oriented Analysis & Design

OOAD is a way of organizing and planning how to build computer programs by thinking in terms of ingredients (which we call objects). Just as you decide what each ingredient does in a recipe, OOAD helps us decide what each part of a computer program should do, how they should work together, and what makes each part special.

Imagine you’re cooking a delicious meal. To make it, you have various ingredients like vegetables, spices, and groceries and each ingredient has a unique role. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) is a bit like cooking, but for creating computer programs and systems.

Important Topics for Object Oriented Analysis

  • Object Modeling
  • Dynamic Modeling
  • Function Modeling
  • Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis
  • Conclusion

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