From a Dreamer to a Future IITian: My Journey and Advice

Hello everyone,

Like many of you, I have always dreamed of getting into my dream college. The life-changers: IITs, IISc, and other tier-1 colleges. However, I am currently in a tier-3 college, where I have faced numerous challenges. I want to share my experiences with you so that if you dream of advancing your studies in tier-1 colleges like IITs for M.Tech or Ph.D., you can learn from my journey. I want to tell you why I failed the GATE exam in my third year of college and provide you with some advice to help you succeed.

Before we start, here’s one thing to keep in mind: If you clear the GATE exam in your third year with a great rank (i.e., less than AIR 1000), your life will be pretty much sorted.

My Story

I have countless dreams that I am working on, but some have hurt me deeply when I failed to achieve them. One of these was the GATE 2024 examination, where I believed I would at least qualify. But it didn’t happen. I didn’t even qualify for the exam in both GATE CS and the newly launched GATE DA. I scored 14.93 marks in CS and 16 in DA.

Why am I telling you this? Well, if you are reading this post in your first or second year of a tier-3 college, consider yourself lucky.

The Crux of the Matter

If you start your GATE preparation in your third year, and you’re an average student (not the topper), you’ll face a significant clash between your GATE preparation and the pressure of securing a job for yourself and your family. You can’t deny that getting a job will make your life a bit more stable, and both GATE preparation and job placement require equal dedication. There are pros and cons to preparing for both simultaneously.

For First and Second-Year Students

If you are in your first or second year and dream of going to IITs, start preparing from day one. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a dilemma, choosing between pursuing higher education and running after your dream job (whether from a tier-3 college or through your skills).

Here’s the advantage: if you clear the GATE exam in your third year, you’ll have about 1.5 years to get into IIT or even another year to improve your rank. Additionally, you can participate in placements if they are promising. You can confidently say no to placement offers from a tier-3 college that offer salaries between 3 LPA to 8 LPA if you believe your learning curve will be better at IITs.

Challenges You Might Face During Preparation

  • Procrastination: This is the most dangerous issue and can lead to significant failure.
  • Lack of Practice: Not practicing enough can lower your confidence during the real exam.
  • Lack of Passion: Not being passionate about your dream to the very end can hinder your efforts.
  • Lack of Daily Improvement: Not fighting for your betterment every day.
  • Poor Time Management: Not studying time management.
  • Irrelevant Distractions: Not saying no to occasions that waste your time.
  • Lack of Zeal: Not having the drive in your heart to become an IITian.

Final Words

If you are in your first, second, or even third year, start preparing from the day you read this post if you truly want to pursue higher studies at top colleges in India. While some might say that these institutions don’t mean much, understanding the culture of IITs will change that perspective.

Best of luck with your future, and start preparing now so I can see you there – a future IITian!

Career Journey on how I Failed GATE and How You Can Succeed

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From a Dreamer to a Future IITian: My Journey and Advice

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