Frequently Asked Questions on WireMock – Stub Priority with JSON Mappings

What is the priority of stubs in WireMock?


When its unspecified, stubs are default to a priority of 5 and where one is the highest priority and Java Integer.

What is stub in WireMock?


The API stubbing in WireMock will be supports various request matching options, and response templating, fault simulation, stateful behaviors, and proxying purpose.

How do I remove a stub from WireMock?


  1. Delete all stub mappings. delete /__admin/mappings. //__admin/mappings. …
  2. Reset stub mappings. post /__admin/mappings/reset. //__admin/mappings/reset. …
  3. Persist stub mappings. post /__admin/mappings/save. …
  4. Import stub mappings. post /__admin/mappings/import. …
  5. Delete a stub mapping. delete /__admin/mappings/{stubMappingId}

WireMock – Stub Priority with JSON Mappings

In WireMock, Stub priority allows us to assign priorities for the request mappings. That means it’s a simple way to resolve which stub mapping should be given more precedence if a request matches 2 or more stub mappings. Sometimes, you’ll want to declare two or more stub mappings that “overlap”, in that a given request would be a match for more than one of them.

Table of Content

  • Prerequisites
  • Step by step Implementation of WireMock in Stub Priority with JSON Mappings
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on WireMock – Stub Priority with JSON Mappings

By default, WireMock will use the most recently added matching stub to satisfy the request. However, in some cases, it is useful to exert more control. The standard syntax is given below in JSON format. Priority is set via the priority attribute in JSON:

“priority”: 1,
“request”: {
“method”: “GET”,
“url”: “/api/specific-resource”
“response”: {
“status”: 200

Let’s demonstrate an example to understand how Stub Priority works in WireMock with JSON mappings


Note: To perform Stub Priority with JUnit please refer to this article: WireMock – Stub Priority with JUnit Test

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