Frequently Asked Questions on Waterfall Model vs Incremental Model

1. Is waterfall iterative or incremental?

A waterfall model is neither iterative nor incremental model.

2. Which model is incremental?

The incremental model is an understandable alternative to the waterfall model. There are several iterations of smaller cycles comprising requirements, design, programming, and testing, each resulting in a software prototype.

3. What is the second name of incremental model?

Incremental Model is also known as Successive version model.

Difference between Waterfall model and Incremental model

The Waterfall Model follows a strict, linear sequence of phases and is best for small projects with well-defined requirements. It produces the final product only after all phases are completed. The Incremental Model develops the software in smaller, iterative cycles, delivering a working version early and adding features incrementally. This approach offers more flexibility and lower risk.

Waterfall Model vs Incremental Model

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Differences between Waterfall Model and Incremental Model

S. No. Waterfall Model Incremental Model Documentation Need for Detailed Documentation in the waterfall model is Necessary. The need for Detailed Documentation in the incremental model is Necessary but not too much. Planning In the waterfall model, early stage planning is necessary. In an incremental model, early-stage planning is also necessary. Risk There is a high amount of risk in the waterfall model. There is a low amount of risk in the incremental model. Waiting Time for Running Software There is a long waiting time for running software in the waterfall model. There is a short waiting time for running software in the incremental model. Handling Large Projects The waterfall model can’t handle large projects. The incremental model also can’t handle large projects. Flexibility to Change Flexibility to change in the waterfall model is Difficult. Flexibility to change in incremental model is Easy. Cost The cost of the Waterfall model is Low. The cost of the incremental model is also Low. Testing Testing is done in the waterfall model after the completion of the coding phase. Testing is done in the incremental model after every iteration of the phase. Returning to Previous Phases Returning to the previous stage/phase in the waterfall model is not possible. Returning to the previous stage/phase in the incremental model is possible. Team Size In the waterfall model, a large team is required. In an incremental model large team is not required. Phases Overlapping In the waterfall model overlapping of phases is not possible. In incremental model overlapping of phases is possible. Development Cycles There is only one cycle in the waterfall model. Multiple development cycles take place in the incremental model. Customer Involvement The customer is involved only at the beginning of development. In incremental model, customer involvement is intermediate. Framework Type The linear framework type is used. Linear with iterative framework type is used. Customer Control The customer is having least control over the administrator. The customer has more control over the administrator in comparison to the waterfall model. Reusability Reusability is the least possible. Reusability is possible to some extent....

Frequently Asked Questions on Waterfall Model vs Incremental Model

1. Is waterfall iterative or incremental?...

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