Frequently Asked Questions on Locating Strategies By Partial Link Text Using Java

With the help pf Use the findElements method with the By.linkText locator to take the list of all elements with the same link text.

What are the locator strategies used in Selenium?

Web element hjave ID and name, it can be located using the ID, Name, XPath, or CSS Selector. 

Using driver. findElement(By. linkText (<linktext>)

Locating Strategies By Partial Link Text Using Java

Web application testing must be rigorous and thorough. For this reason, many tests for web applications are automated. Selenium is an open-source framework that allows us to automate web browser testing. In the following sections, we will use partial link text to locate elements on our HTML code using Java and Selenium. We will further see an example of how we can navigate to other web pages using automation.

Table of Content

  • Steps for Locating Elements Using Partial Link Text in Java
  • Locating Strategies with Partial Link Text on Various Browsers
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Locating Strategies By Partial Link Text Using Java

Locating elements using partial link text means we find the elements in our code that point to other web pages and are embedded in some text. This is different from link text because, in link text, you must know the exact text that you are looking for. The partial link text locator is used when you want to locate a piece or some anchor element whose text you don’t completely know.

If the partial link text finds more than one anchor tag containing the text being searched, it considers the first one only.

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Locating Strategies with Partial Link Text on Various Browsers

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