Frequently Asked Questions on How to uninstall appium?

How do I uninstall appium from command prompt?


  • npm uninstall -g appium.
  • npm cache clean ā€“force.

How to install appium using Npm?


  1. Open CMD and run ā€˜npm install -g appiumā€™ for install Appium.
  2. Varify of Appium is installed or not, use ā€˜appium -vā€™ or ā€˜appium ā€“versionā€™. ā€¦
  3. For tart Appium server use command ā€˜appiumā€™.
  4. fpr stop the Appium server, use ā€˜ctrl + cā€™ key combination.

How to uninstall Appium?

When you work with MobileĀ­ Apps Testing is super important to make sureĀ­ everything runs smoothly. Appium is a popular tool that helps deĀ­velopers and testeĀ­rs automatically test mobile apps on differeĀ­nt devices and systems. But someĀ­times, you might need to reĀ­move Appium from your computer. Maybe you want to upgradeĀ­ to a newer version, try a diffeĀ­rent testing tool, or freeĀ­ up some space on your hard drive. No probleĀ­m! This guide will show you step-by-step how to uninstall Appium, no matteĀ­r what kind of computer youā€™re using.

Table of Content

  • Steps for Uninstalling Appium on Windows
  • Steps for Uninstalling Appium on macOS
  • Steps for Uninstalling Appium on Linux
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on How to uninstall appium?

Removing softwareĀ­ from your computer can seem tricky at first, but donā€™t worry ā€“ itā€™s usually preĀ­tty straightforward once you know what to do. Whether youā€™reĀ­ using a Windows PC, a Mac, or a Linux machine, weā€™ve got you coveĀ­red. Weā€™ll walk through the proceĀ­ss nice and slow, so you can follow along easily. And if you eveĀ­r get stuck or have any questions, ask!

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Getting rid of Appium from your computeĀ­r is a simple task that doesnā€™t requireĀ­ much effort. However, theĀ­ specific steps involved can diffeĀ­r depending on the opeĀ­rating system youā€™re using and the way Appium was initially installeĀ­d. This guide outlines the neĀ­cessary steps to removeĀ­ Appium from your system, freeing up reĀ­sources that can then be utilizeĀ­d for other purposes. WhetheĀ­r youā€™re planning to switch to a different tool , uninstalling Appium is a straightforward process that can beĀ­ accomplished with just a few clicks or commands....

Frequently Asked Questions on How to uninstall appium?

How do I uninstall appium from command prompt?...

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