Frequently Asked Questions on Gandhian Model

Q1. Describe the results of the Third Five-Year Plan.

Solution: Third Five Year Plan failed in many ways. Only the areas of transportation, communication, and social services met the plan’s aim. Otherwise, agricultural output decreased from 82 MT to 72 MT. Food and consumer item prices significantly increased. The work under this five-year plan was affected by the effect of drought and two wars, which were, the Sino-India war of 1962 and the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965

Q2. Describe the objectives of the Gandhian Model.

Solution: Following are the objectives of the Gandhian Model

  • Establishment of larger equality of opportunity.
  • A yearly rise in national income of more than 5%. 
  • The established investment strategy must be able to maintain this growth rate over the coming years.
  • Expansion of basic industries.
  • Maximising the nation’s human capital

Q3. The Third five Year-plan was also known as?

Solution: The Third five-plan was also known as the Gadgil Yojana. D.R. Gadgil was the Deputy Chairman of the Planning commission during the tenure of this five-year plan. 

Q4. State Some of the Objectives of the Five Year Plan.

Solution: Some of the long-term objectives of Five Year Plans in India are: 

  • Prosperity due to increased economy
  • Establishment of a self-independent economy  
  • Reduction in the disparities 
  • Modernisation of the economy.

Q5. What was the goal of the Gandhian Model?

Solution: The most important goals of the Gandhian Model planning were to fulfilling goals of economic growth, poverty reduction, job creation, and so on. The socio-economic objectives were also the major priority in India’s planning system.

The Gandhian Model of Development -Five Year Plan

The five-year plan is a strategy for planning economic growth over a specified time period i.e. for five years, while simultaneously allocating the required resources to meet the targets on time. These were planned, developed and executed under the Planning Commission, from 1951 to 2014 and after it from 2015-2017 under NITI Aayog. In the year 2014, then the Prime Minister of India made an announcement about the dissolution of the Planning Commission and the establishment of the NITI Aayog. 

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Frequently Asked Questions on Gandhian Model:

Q1. Describe the results of the Third Five-Year Plan....

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