Fragments in GraphQL

In GraphQL, fragments are just a reusable part of the query. Within the area of GraphQL, it’s common to meet scenarios where identical fields are queried across multiple requests. Recognizing this repetition can lead to the combining of these fields into reusable components known as fragments.

In GraphQL, as you develop your queries, you might find that certain fields are needed across various queries. When this redundancy becomes distinct, it’s beneficial to restructure your queries by combining these shared fields into reusable units called fragments.

  • Identifying Redundancy: As you construct your GraphQL queries, pay attention to recurring fields that appear in different parts of your code.
  • Fragment Formation: Once you identify these common fields, you can create a fragment—a reusable block of fields—containing all the shared information. By keep occupy of fragments, you enhance the maintainability and readability of your GraphQL queries. Instead of duplicating the same fields across multiple queries, you can simply reference the fragment, promoting code efficiency and reducing redundancy. Fragments serve as a powerful tool for organizing and optimizing GraphQL queries, enabling developers to manage complexity effectively and enhance the overall robustness of their applications.

Syntax :

fragment FragmentName on TypeName {



# you can add additionals field


Fragments in GraphQL

GraphQL is a tool designed to smooth the exchange of specific data between clients and servers via APIs. It serves as a common language understood by both the client, which requests data, and the server, which provides it. GraphQL is an open-source query language that expresses how a client should request information through an API.

In this article, we will be going to learn about the Fragments in GraphQL, what the use of the fragment, and why we need but before going further, we will know about what’s GraphQL and how it works.

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Fragments in GraphQL

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Benefits of the Fragments

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GraphQL fragments serve as powerful tools for optimizing query construction by facilitating the reuse of field sets in multiple operations. This enhances code modularity and readability, particularly when dealing with repetitive fields or intricate data structures. By advancement in reusability, GraphQL fragments contribute to more efficient and maintainable code in the development of GraphQL operations, offering a streamlined approach to constructing queries....

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