Formula for Wein’s Law

The law is expressed mathematically as follows:

λmax ∝ 1/ T

λmax = b / T


  • λmax is the Wavelength of maximum emission,
  • b is th Wien’s displacement constant, and 
  • T is the Temperature (in Kelvin).

Alternate Formulas for Wein’s Law

Some formulas which come under Wein’s law are as follows:

Formula for peak frequency of radiation is given by:

Mathematical formula for peak wavelength is given by:



  • kB is the Boltzmann constant which has value of 1.380649 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1
  • h is the Planck’s constant which has value of 6.62607015 × 10-34 m2 kg / s,
  • T is the Temperature of the surface of the balck body (in Kelvin).

Wien’s Displacement Law

Wein’s Displacement Law or Wein’s Law is named after the man who discovered it, Wilhelm Wien; a German physicist. Wilhelm Wein has done remarkable work in the field of Radiation, for which he was granted a noble price for physics in 1911. Max Planck who was a colleague of Wien, continued his work on the same topic and gave Wein-Plank Law and further a more general law Planck’s Law of Radiation. Wein’s Displacement Law is a fundamental concept in the study of radiation and describes the relationship between the temperature of an object and the wavelength of its maximum emission of radiation. This short article provides a thorough explanation of Wein’s law, including the mathematical formulation and various ways it can be expressed.

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