Form Elements

The HTML <form> comprises several elements, each serving a unique purpose. For instance, the <label> element is used to define labels for other <form> elements. The <input> element, on the other hand, is versatile and can be used to capture various types of input data such as text, password, email, and more, simply by altering its type attribute. Now, let’s all the list of HTML Form Elements one by one:



<label>It defines labels for <form> elements.
<input>It is used to get input data from the form in various types such as text, password, email, etc by changing its type.
<button>It defines a clickable button to control other elements or execute a functionality.
<select>It is used to create a drop-down list.
<textarea>It is used to get input long text content.
<fieldset>It is used to draw a box around other form elements and group the related data.
<legend>It defines a caption for fieldset elements
<datalist>It is used to specify pre-defined list options for input controls.
<output>It displays the output of performed calculations.
<option>It is used to define options in a drop-down list.
<optgroup>It is used to define group-related options in a drop-down list.

HTML Forms

HTML Forms utilize the <form> element as a powerful tool to collect user input through a variety of interactive controls. These controls range from text fields, numeric inputs, email fields, password fields, to checkboxes, radio buttons, and submit buttons. In essence, an HTML Form serves as a versatile container for numerous input elements, thereby enhancing user interaction.


<!--form elements-->

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