
With Bootstrap 5 Flex, you can create layouts that are both responsive and visually appealing. To use Bootstrap 5 Flex, you first need to wrap the elements that you want to make flex items in a flex container. 



Enable flex behaviors Utilize display utilities to make a flexbox container that can be customizeable with other flex properties.
Direction Bootstrap 5 flex-direction is a property that controls the direction in which flex items are arranged. The default direction is row, which means that flex items are arranged in a horizontal row.
Justify content Bootstrap 5 flex justify-content is a property that controls the alignment of flex items on the main axis.
Align items Bootstrap 5 flex align-items utilities allow you to change the alignment of flex items on the cross-axis.
Align self Bootstrap 5 flex align-self utilities allow you to change the alignment of a flex item on the cross-axis, independently of the other flex items in the container. 
Fill The Bootstrap 5 flex fill utility allows you to force flex items into equal widths while taking up all available horizontal space. 
Grow and shrink Flex grow determines how much a flex item grows relative to the other flex items in the container when there is extra space whereas Flex shrink determines how much a flex item shrinks relative to the other flex items in the container when there is not enough space for all of the flex items to fit at their natural size.
Auto margins Bootstrap 5 flex auto margins are a set of utility classes that can be used to add auto margins to flex items. 
Wrap Bootstrap 5 flex-wrap is a CSS utility class that allows you to change how flex items wrap in a flex container.
Order Bootstrap 5 flex order is a utility class that can be used to change the visual order of specific flex items. 
Align content Bootstrap 5 Flex Align Content is a set of utilities that allow you to control how flex items are aligned on the cross-axis. 
Media object Bootstrap 5 Flex Media Object is a combination of two Bootstrap classes, .media and .media-body, to create a flexible layout for media objects.
Sass Bootstrap 5 Flex SaaS is a software as a service (SaaS) solution that provides a framework for building responsive web applications using Bootstrap 5.

Bootstrap 5 Utility Reference

Bootstrap 5 Utility facilitates various types of utilities to make a stylish, mobile-friendly, and responsive front-end website. The utility layout is used for showing, hiding, aligning, and spacing content.

The complete list of Utilities is listed below with their brief description:

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