Flask app using Models

We create a simple flask app named “eventLog” where you can see and add events. The date and time are added automatically when the event is added. It just contains a single home page.

File structure

|_ eventLog
    |   |_ home.html
    |_ __init__.py

__init__.py File

This is a Flask web application with a SQLite database for managing events. It defines a “create_app” function setting up the Flask app, SQLAlchemy for database handling, and a simple “Event” model. The code includes a route for rendering and handling form submissions on the home page to add events to the database. Additionally, it has a CLI command “init-db” to initialize the database.


from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, render_template, request
import os
import datetime
import click
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column
def create_app(test_config=None):
    # a simple page that says hello
    app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)
    app.config.from_pyfile('config.py', silent=True)
    # ensure instance folder exists
    except OSError:
    # configure the path to SQLite database, relative to the app instance folder
    app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///event_database.db"
    class Base(DeclarativeBase):
    # create the database object and initiate it
    db = SQLAlchemy(model_class=Base)
    # defining model for event
    class Event(db.Model):
        date = mapped_column(db.String, primary_key=True)
        event = mapped_column(db.String)
    def init_db_command():
        ''' command for initiating the database '''
        with app.app_context():
            click.echo('Database created successfully')
    @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def home():
        if(request.method == 'POST'):
            ).__str__(), event=request.form['eventBox']))
            return redirect(url_for('home'))
        return render_template('home.html', eventsList=db.session.execute(db.select(Event).order_by(Event.date)).scalars())
    return app

home.html Jinja Template

This HTML code defines a simple webpage displaying an event log with a table showing date-time and event details. It uses Jinja2 templating to iterate through a list of events passed from the Flask app and dynamically populate the table rows. The page also includes a form to add new events, with a text input and a submit button. Additionally, it links to an external stylesheet named “style.css” for styling.


        <link rel = 'stylesheet' href = {{url_for('static', filename='style.css')}}/>
                <th>Date & Time</th>
                <th>Event Details</th>
        {%-for row in eventsList-%}
        <form method="post">
            <title>Add event</title>
            <label for="eventBox">Event Description</label>
            <input name="eventBox" id="eventBox" required/>
            <input type="submit" value = "Add">


A simple flask app “eventLog” running on browser. Uses Flask Models for managing database.

Running the app

First run the following command from the rootFolder to initiate the database –

flask --app eventLog init-db

Once done, run the flask app using the command –

flask --app eventLog run --debug

This will start the app in debug mode at local host port 5000. Visit the following URL in browser –

Video Output

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Flask app using Models




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