First-year foundations

The first year of CIT was indeed an exciting period for all in conjunction with a new learning experience offline classes led to meeting new people, taking advantage of in-person study groups, asking senior students for advice, and developing a sense of how college life worked. The change in location and mode of study also allowed for participation in extracurricular activities such as local community clubs. Faculty personnel, mentoring, and the opportunity to participate in laboratory work were undoubtedly the most influential and supportive factors in a fruitful first year.

CIT Campus Experience For B.E ISE

The expedition of higher education is much like sailing on uncharted waters. The journey of the students pursuing a B.E in Information Science Engineering at CIT in Gubbi was different. The campus being a lively place with modern amenities became the perfect place to discover the treasures in academics and personal life. The pandemic acted as rough waves amid a calm sea, reshaping the expedition altogether.

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First-year foundations:

The first year of CIT was indeed an exciting period for all in conjunction with a new learning experience offline classes led to meeting new people, taking advantage of in-person study groups, asking senior students for advice, and developing a sense of how college life worked. The change in location and mode of study also allowed for participation in extracurricular activities such as local community clubs. Faculty personnel, mentoring, and the opportunity to participate in laboratory work were undoubtedly the most influential and supportive factors in a fruitful first year....

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The CIT, Gubbi, was more than just the campus for B.E ISE students; it was a symbol of their resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. Although the pandemic threw many challenges at the students, the campus was an arena for academic excellence and personal growth. As students geared up for new adventures outside the limits of their alma mater, they took with them learned lessons and special memories....

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