Final Round: Host Manager Round

The Host Manager Round, lasting 50-60 minutes, was like a friendly chat with the Hiring Manager. We talked about technical stuff, but also he asked behavioural questions, like my strengths, weaknesses, and why I wanted to work at the company. Staying calm and being polite was key.

LinkedIn Interview Experience For SWE Internship (Off-Campus)

Interview Process for Software Engineer Intern at LinkedIn

  • Round 0: Resume Shortlisting
  • Round 1: Hackerrank Coding Round
  • Round 2: Technical Interview
  • Round 3: Technical Interview
  • Round 4: Host Manager Round


Getting an internship in the tech world is a big deal, and I’m excited to share my story with you. In this blog, I’ll walk you through the ups and downs of my two technical interviews and a final chat with the HR team that eventually led to me landing a Software Engineer Intern position.

Applying and Getting Noticed:

I started my journey in August 2023 by applying for a Software Engineer Intern role on LinkedIn. One key tip I’d give is to keep your resume ready and apply on time. Luckily, a recruiter on LinkedIn shortlisted my resume, and that’s where the adventure began.

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