Final Result

The below image shows the file written by the Applet File Writer.

Written file

How to Write to a File Using Applet?

In this article, we will learn how to write a file using Applet and grant access to write files using Applet.


The applet output window contains three fields. Those are the file name field, Text area field, and save button field.

  • File name field: It asks the user to enter the file name to write content in the file.
  • Text area: It is an input field where the content of the file can be entered.
  • Save button: It is an event listener. On clicking the save button, it will call the function that contains the logic to write the file.

Important Note:

  • Latest java version doesn’t support applet. so, it needs older version of java which supports applet to be installed.
  • Latest browser will not permit applet application to write files. So, we need to add .policy file with permission granting instructions.

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