Few more practice questions

Salesforce Interview Questions for Technical Profiles

Salesforce is a leading cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Businesses of all sizes around the world use their products and services. Salesforce interviews are known to be fair and structured, but also challenging. If you want to increase your chances of getting hired at Salesforce you can study the typical interview questions and answers that can give you a significant advantage over others and increase your chances.

This article has a list of commonly asked questions they might ask you during the interview. These questions covered topics like Data structure and Algorithms, Operating systems, Computer Networks, and Database Management Systems. Reading this article will help you know what to expect in the interview and get ready to answer their questions.

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Table of Content

  • DSA Questions
  • Questions on OS
  • Questions on Computer Networks
  • Few more practice questions

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DSA Questions


Questions on OS

What is a system call? What’s the difference between User Mode and Kernel Mode? What is scheduling in operating system? What is memory management in OS? What’s the difference between Threads and Processes. What are Deadlock in Operating System ? Explain demand paging? What’s the difference between Multi-tasking and Multi-threading? What are Semaphores ? What is GUI? What are the different states of a process in an Operating System? What is virtual memory? What is spooling in OS? What is SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing)? What’s the difference between Operating System and Kernel?...

Questions on Computer Networks

What is Computer Networking? What is OSI Model? What is TCP/IP model? What’s the difference between http:// and https:// ? What is a gateway? What’s the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 ? What is the firewall? What is DNS? What’s the difference between Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast in Computer Network? What is RAID? What is a subnet? What is RIP? What’s the difference between Hub vs Switch? Define different types of network topology. What are the various types of Node Devices in a Computer Network?...

Few more practice questions

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