Fermi Level

Fermi level is that energy level in where there is a maximum probability of finding electron at absolute zero temperature. Now you must have been thinking that why 0 temperature! It is because at 0 K, no electron transition from one energy level to another. Whenever an electron moves from valence band, it reaches a highest energy level that is fermi level. It is the maximum level where an electron can reach which means above this level, there are no electrons present at absolute zero temperature. Fermi level exists between the valence band and the conduction band.

Fermi Level Formula can be Written as

F(E)=[Tex]\frac{1}{1+e^\frac{E-E_{F}}{KT}} [/Tex]

Graph of fermi level

Fermi Level

As we all know, everything in this world around here is made up of atoms. Whether it may be a chalk or a big animal. Even our bodies are made up of millions of tiny particles called atoms. But have you ever thought about the question of what are atoms? What is it comprised of? Today you will get the answers to all such questions. An atom is comprised of those minute particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. These altogether form the nucleus of an atom. I hope you are familiar with the term “nucleus”. A nucleus is located at the center of an atom in which protons and neutrons are present. There are a lot of energy levels present around the nucleus in which a large number of electrons keep revolving there. These energy levels are different and may vary for conductors, insulators, and semiconductors as a number of revolving electrons is also different in these cases. So in this article, we will dive deep into the world of science and understand the concepts of the energy levels of an atom, how electrons transit from one level to another and the energy possessed by each electron, and a lot more.

In this article, we will be going Through the Fermi level in the semiconductor, We will start our Article with what is fermi energy, and Then we will go to what is fermi level in semiconductors? After going through both the topics we will compare Fermi Energy and Fermi Level, Then we will go to Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function, Then we will go through fermi level of n-type and P-type semiconductor. At last, we will conclude our Article with Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Fermi Energy
  • Fermi Level
  • Fermi Energy Vs Fermi Level
  • Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function
  • Fermi Level in Both Semiconductors
  • Intrinsic Semiconductor
  • Extrinsic Semiconductor

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Fermi Level

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Overall, we have discussed much about fermi energy and fermi level as it is a never ending topic. You can still get to know a lot of facts as Science has no end. But particularly from this article we came to know that there is immense use of fermi level in the world of atoms. In this article, we learnt about fermi level, fermi energy, how energy of electrons change with temperature. We also studied about finding the probability of electrons through Fermi-Dirac distribution function. We read about fermi level in both types of semiconductors i.e intrinsic as well as extrinsic semiconductors. We came across a lot of diagrams making your process of learning easier. So that’s all guys!! Keep studying geeks....

FAQs on Fermi Level

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