Features of FORTRAN

  • High-level language: Fortran is a high-level computing language; many low-level computer hardware details are abstracted away. This allows coders to focus on finding answers rather than worrying about implementation details.
  • Array operations: The efficiency with which Fortran handles operations on arrays is one of its main advantages. The use of array operations is optimized in Fortran compilers, which speeds up code execution.
  • Static typing: Fortran has a strictly typed syntax; variable types must be specified at build time. This allows errors to be discovered earlier in the creation process before the code is executed.
  • Modular programming: Fortran supports modular programming, which allows large coders to be divided into smaller segments. Thus, complex software systems are simpler to develop and manage.
  • High performance: Fortran is well-known for its efficiency and speed. It was designed specifically for use in scientific and technological uses that require the rapid processing of large quantities of data.


Fortran is a high-level computer language that was initially intended for scientific and engineering uses. It was created by IBM in the 1950s and has since experienced several changes, the most recent being Fortran 2018. Fortran is well-suited to numerical computations and scientific models, and it is still extensively used in areas such as physics, chemistry, engineering, and finance. The term “FORmula TRANslation” refers to FORTRAN, a high-level programming language used in scientific and engineering computations. It was one of the first programming languages and is still one of the most prevalent today. One of FORTRAN’s primary features is its ability to handle mathematical and scientific computations. It is well-known for allowing array operations, making it a popular language for scientific research and data processing. Also, FORTRAN has an elementary syntax that makes it easy to use and build programs.

In this article, we will explore the history of Fortran, its features, and its applications. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Fortran compared to other programming languages. Additionally, we will provide some tips for beginners who want to learn Fortran.

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Early History of FORTRAN

FORTRAN was developed at IBM in the mid-1950s by a group of coders led by John Backus.  When the first FORTRAN version was released in 1957, it quickly became famous among scientists and engineers who needed to perform complex computations.  FORTRAN has gone through multiple iterations over the years, the most recent being FORTRAN 2018....

Features of FORTRAN

High-level language: Fortran is a high-level computing language; many low-level computer hardware details are abstracted away. This allows coders to focus on finding answers rather than worrying about implementation details. Array operations: The efficiency with which Fortran handles operations on arrays is one of its main advantages. The use of array operations is optimized in Fortran compilers, which speeds up code execution. Static typing: Fortran has a strictly typed syntax; variable types must be specified at build time. This allows errors to be discovered earlier in the creation process before the code is executed. Modular programming: Fortran supports modular programming, which allows large coders to be divided into smaller segments. Thus, complex software systems are simpler to develop and manage. High performance: Fortran is well-known for its efficiency and speed. It was designed specifically for use in scientific and technological uses that require the rapid processing of large quantities of data....

Advantages of FORTRAN

Portability: Fortran code can be easily translated to multiple systems as long as the device has a Fortran compiler loaded. This makes moving between operating systems and hardware designs easier. Parallel processing: Fortran provides built-in parallel processing capabilities, enabling programmers to utilize a computer’s numerous processors. Large-scale computation performance may be significantly enhanced by doing this. Numerical accuracy: The language is especially well adapted for uses requiring a high level of numerical accuracies, such as climate forecasting and financial analysis. Legacy code: There is still a sizable body of Fortran code in use, new programmers can frequently benefit from libraries and methods that are already available....


In conclusion, Fortran is a computer language that has been used for over 70 years in scientific and industrial uses. The term “FORmula TRANslation” refers to its original aim of converting mathematical formulas into machine-readable code....


Q1. What makes FORTRAN a useful programming language for research computing?...

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