Features of Computer

Now we will discuss the features of the computer:

Features of Computer

  • Speed: A computer is a time-saving device. It performs several calculations and tasks in few seconds that we take hours to solve. The speed of a computer is measure in terms of GigaHertz and MegaHertz. 
  • Accuracy: A calculation or task performed by a computer is accurate the chances of occurring errors are minimal. The errors occur in a computer by entering wrong data by a human being. A computer performs several tasks and calculations so quickly and accurately. 
  • Memory: A computer can store billions of records as per requirement and these records can easily accessible with full accuracy. The storing capacity of computer memory is measured in terms of Bytes, Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabyte(GB), and Terabyte(TB).
  • Versatility: A computer can perform more than one task at the same time, this feature is called versatility. For example, we can create our project using PowerPoint and Wordpad while listening to music or we can design a website while listening to music.
  • Automation: Today the world is moving toward AI (Artificial Intelligence) based technology. Once instructions are programmed, a computer can perform work automatically. This feature of the computer replaces thousands of workers by performing tasks automatically. 
  • Reliability: A computer is a reliable device. The output results never differ until the input is different. If an input is the same then output won’t be different. 
  • Diligence: A human can not work for several hours without taking a rest whereas a computer device never gets tired. A computer can perform millions of calculations constantly with full accuracy without taking a rest. 

Basic Applications of Computers

The term computer was taken from the Greek word compute means calculation and the computer was a person or device that did computation. In this article, we will learn what exactly a computer is, how it affects our lives, and the applications of computers in our life. 

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