Features of AgriStack

  • In order for Microsoft to create a farmer interface for “smart and well-organized agriculture,” the government intends to supply “necessary data sets” of each farmer’s personal information under AgriStack.
  • The officials noted that the digital archive will help with the exact targeting of services, programs, and subsidies.
  • Every farmer in the nation will receive what is known as a FID, or a farmers’ ID, connected to land records as part of the initiative. India currently owns 140 million acres of farmland.
  • There are no private sector businesses engaged in the Agristack’s construction. Leading Technology/Agri-tech/Startup companies, however, were acknowledged and invited to collaborate with the Indian government to build Proof of Concepts (PoC) based on limited bits of data from the federated Farmers’ database for particular regions (Districts/Villages).

Digital AgriStack

Agristack is a collection of digital information and technology aimed at farmers and the agricultural industry. AgriStack will give farmers a standardized platform to offer end-to-end services along the entire agriculture and food value chain. It seeks to give India a stronger push toward the digitization of data, from land titles to medical information. As part of the program, each farmer will receive a special digital identification (farmers’ ID) that will contain personal data, information on the land they farm, as well as productivity and financial data. Every ID will be connected to the person’s Aadhaar ID. In addition, the government is creating a centralized platform for farmer services that will assist in digitizing the provision of agricultural services by the public and commercial sectors. The architecture for AgriStack was described in a paper on the India Digital Ecosystem Architecture (IDEA) that the government released in June 2021. IDEA is anticipated to make sure that state and central data are separate architectural components that can work together to provide farmers with the information they need. 

A Memorandum of Understanding was recently inked between the Ministry of Agriculture and Microsoft to operate a pilot program for 100 villages across six states. According to the MoU, Microsoft must use its cloud computing technologies to develop a “Unified Farmer Service Interface.” AgriStack, a collection of technology-based interventions in agriculture, is the foundation upon which the ministry intends to build the rest of its initiatives. The Indian Agritech Market was worth $204 million in 2019 and about 50 start-ups receive private capital each year. The industry continues to receive a lot of attention and enough funding. But the market is still modest, just collecting 1% of the potential market.

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Features of AgriStack:

In order for Microsoft to create a farmer interface for “smart and well-organized agriculture,” the government intends to supply “necessary data sets” of each farmer’s personal information under AgriStack. The officials noted that the digital archive will help with the exact targeting of services, programs, and subsidies. Every farmer in the nation will receive what is known as a FID, or a farmers’ ID, connected to land records as part of the initiative. India currently owns 140 million acres of farmland. There are no private sector businesses engaged in the Agristack’s construction. Leading Technology/Agri-tech/Startup companies, however, were acknowledged and invited to collaborate with the Indian government to build Proof of Concepts (PoC) based on limited bits of data from the federated Farmers’ database for particular regions (Districts/Villages)....

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