Types of Volcanoes

1. Define active, dormant and extinct volcanoes.

  • An active volcano is one that has erupted recently and poses a significant threat of future eruptions.
  • A dormant volcano is one that has not erupted in a significant period of time but is still capable of erupting in the future.
  • An extinct volcano is one that erupted thousands of years ago and is no longer capable of erupting in the future.

2. How are volcanoes formed?

Volcanoes are formed when hot, liquid rock, called magma, rises to the Earth’s surface. This happens because of the movements of the Earth’s tectonic plates beneath the ground. When the pressure builds up, magma pushes through weak spots, causing volcanic eruptions. Over time, these eruptions create a mountain with a cone shape, which is called a volcano. Volcanoes can be found all around the world and play a big part in shaping our planet’s landscape.

3. What are the types of volcanoes based on their explosive activity?

Volcanoes are classified into six major types based on their explosive activity:

  • Hawaiian Type
  • Strombolian Type
  • Vulcanian Type
  • Vesuvian Type
  • Pelean Type
  • Plinian Type

4. Give examples of volcanic mountains formed due to central eruptions.

Examples of volcanic mountains formed due to central eruption include:

  • Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa
  • Fujiyama in Japan
  • Vesuvius and Mount Etna in Italy

5. What are the characteristics of a composite cone volcano?

Composite volcanoes, also known as stratovolcanoes, are characterized by their layered structure, formed from alternating eruptions of lava flows, ash, and rocks. This layering happens due to a blend of explosive activity and slower, flowing lava eruptions. The eruptions from these volcanoes are often explosive, creating a diverse range of materials that contribute to their distinct, multi-layered composition. This process creates steep, symmetrical cones with a central crater, often found along tectonic plate boundaries.

Types of Volcanoes with Digram

Types of Volcanoes: Volcanoes come in various types: shield volcanoes (Mauna Loa) with broad slopes and effusive lava, stratovolcanoes (e.g., Mount St. Helens) featuring steep cones and explosive eruptions, and cinder cone volcanoes (e.g., Paricutin) with steep, conical shapes formed by basaltic to andesitic lava explosions.

In this article, We have covered the list of Different types of Volcanoes in Detail.

Let’s dive right in.

Table of Content

  • What are Volcanoes?
  • Types of Volcanoes According to Activity
  • Types of Volcanoes on the Basis of Eruption
  • Types of Volcanoes Categorized by Explosive Activity
  • Conclusion

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FAQs on Types of Volcanoes

1. Define active, dormant and extinct volcanoes....

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