Thread Scheduling

1. What is a time slice or quantum in thread scheduling?

A time slice, also known as a quantum, is the maximum amount of time a thread is allowed to execute before the scheduler can potentially switch to another thread. Preemptive scheduling algorithms use time slices to ensure fairness and prevent threads from monopolizing the CPU.

2. How do priority levels affect thread scheduling?

Thread scheduling algorithms often use priority levels to determine which thread should run next. Higher-priority threads are given preference over lower-priority threads. Priority-based scheduling helps manage the urgency and importance of different threads.

Thread Scheduling

There is a component in Java that basically decides which thread should execute or get a resource in the operating system.

Scheduling of threads involves two boundary scheduling.

  1. Scheduling of user-level threads (ULT) to kernel-level threads (KLT) via lightweight process (LWP) by the application developer.
  2. Scheduling of kernel-level threads by the system scheduler to perform different unique OS functions.

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FAQs on Thread Scheduling

1. What is a time slice or quantum in thread scheduling?...

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