Struts 2 features

1. What is the difference between Struts 1 and Struts 2 features?

The major differences between supports two are as follows :

  1. POJO is available in Struts2 but not in Struts 1
  2. Struts 2 classes directly map to a POJO, thereby offering more flexibility unlike Struts 1 in which the classes are mapped with a JSP
  3. In Struts 1, for the presentation layer, only JSPs can be used but Struts 2 offers us more technologies such as velocity, freemaker, Jasper reports, etc.

2. How does Struts 2 supports AJAX?

Struts 2 provides supports for AJAX using a JavaScript library – Dojo Toolkit. It has various tags for developing an application in less code.

3. How does Struts 2 handle form submission and data binding?

Struts 2 handles this by automatically mapping the parameters with the action properties. The framework utilise the Object Graph Notation Language (OGNL) when the form is submitted by the user.

Struts 2 Features

Struts is a popular open-source framework of Java for developing large scale web-applications. It provides a framework for implementing MVC-architectured applications promoting the separation of concerns between business and presentation logic. Struts is an essential framework for building J2EE (Enterprise Edition) based web apps.

Struts 2 comes with a complete cycle development framework, from design to deployment and maintenance of the application, Struts 2 has full support for everything. It was originally known as “web work 2”.

In this article, we’ll look at the features of Struts 2.

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