Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Who Coined the Term Genetics? 

William Bateson an English geneticist coined the term genetics.  

How many Types of Genotypes and Phenotypes are Found in the Human ABO Blood Type?

There are 4 different phenotypes and 6 different genotypes found in the human ABO system. 

How many Different Types of Genotypes and Phenotypes are Found in the F2 Generation of a Dihybrid Cross?

In a dihybrid cross there are 4 different phenotypes and 9 different genotypes are found.

Why Hemophilia is Called Royal Disease?

Because this disease was found in the royal family of England. Queen Victoria was a carrier of the disease. Her pedigree shows several hemophilic descendants.

Principles of Inheritance and Variation CBSE Notes for Chapter 4

Inheritance is the term given to the process by which characters are passed from parents to offspring which forms the basis of heredity. Heredity is the process of passing down genetic traits from parents to offspring. The degree of difference in characters between a parent and offspring is called variation. All these are studied under genetics which deals with the study of inheritance and variation of characters passed from parents to offspring. The first proper documented study of this inheritance and variation was done by G.J. Mendel which is why he is considered the father of genetics.

In a living cell, the chromosomes of a particular gene are present in a diploid manner and each one is called an allele. Genotype is the genetic make-up of an organism i.e. the TT or tt. Whereas phenotype is the external morphological appearance or expression of the genotype i.e. TT phenotype will be tall and for tt phenotype will be dwarf.  

Table of Content

  • Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
  • Inheritance of One Gene
  • Inheritance of Two Genes
  • Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
  • Linkage and Recombination
  • Pleiotropy and Polygenic Inheritance
  • Sex Determination
  • Mutation
  • Pedigree Analysis
  • Genetic Disorders
  • CBSE Previous Year Question Papers

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