Polygenic inheritance

Question 1: What is Polygenic Inheritance?


Inheritance that is controlled by multiple genes is called polygenic inheritance.

Question 2: What are the examples of polygenic inheritance in plants?


Few examples of polygenic inheritance in plants are ear size in maize, Kernel color in wheat, etc.

Question 3: How offspring in the F1 generation is different from parents?


Offspring formed in the F1 generation are intermediate of two parents.

Question 4: How offspring in the F2 generation is different from parents?


F2 progeny exhibits a greater variability and graded series of phenotypes from one parent to another.

What is Polygenic Inheritance?

Polygenic inheritance is a type of inheritance in which multiple genes control the phenotype of an organism. The phenotypes or traits can be height, skin color, the color of the eyes, etc. This type of inheritance is also known as quantitative inheritance or multifactorial inheritance. Such traits are known as polygenic traits. It is different from mendelian genetic inheritance in a number of genes controlling the traits. Polygenic inheritance can be seen in animals as well as plants. Every gene that controls traits is not necessarily equal. However, environmental factors also play an important role in polygenic inheritance. Polygenic inheritance has important implications for our understanding of complex diseases and traits, as well as for conservation and agricultural breeding.

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Examples of Polygenic Inheritance

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Polygenic Inheritance in Plants

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How Does Polygenic Inheritance Work?

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Effect of environment on Polygenic Inheritance

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Genetics’ understanding of polygenic inheritance, which describes the inheritance of traits influenced by several genes, is crucial. Understanding polygenic inheritance has many practical applications, from helping researchers create novel crops through agricultural breeding to comprehending the inheritance of complex features. In addition, polygenic inheritance is crucial to evolution since it promotes the formation of new species as well as slow but steady changes in an organism’s phenotype through time. It has also been linked to abrupt bursts of mutations that can alter a population in both positive and negative ways. In general, scientists need to understand polygenic inheritance, particularly those working in the disciplines of genetics, agriculture, and conservation. The ramifications of this type of inheritance are enormous and can aid in our understanding of how complex diseases originate as well as how animals and plants evolve....

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Question 1: What is Polygenic Inheritance?...

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