New Forms of Publication

Q 1. What is platen?


The platen is a board that is pressed against the back of the paper to receive the impression from the type in letter press printing. It used to be a wooden board, but it was later replaced with steel.

Q 1. Describe the woodblock printing.


  1. The oldest form of printing was woodblock printing.
  2. It was created in three countries: China, Japan, and Korea.
  3. This was a handwriting system.
  4. Books were printed in China using this technology from AD 594 onwards by rubbing paper against the inked surface of woodblocks.
  5. The traditional Chinese ‘accordion book’ was folded and stitched at the side since both sides of the thin, porous sheet could not be printed.
  6. The elegance of calligraphy could be replicated with surprising accuracy by highly talented craftsmen.

Q 3. Which book was written by Kashibaba and what was its theme?


Chote Aur Bade Ka Sawal was written and published in 1938 by Kashibaba, a Kanpur mill worker, to demonstrate the links between caste and class exploitation.

Q 4. What type of books were written by Kailashbashini Debi?


Kailashbashini Debi, a Bengali writer, authored works about women’s experiences, such as how they were imprisoned at home, kept in the dark, and forced to do harsh domestic labour, among other things.

New Forms of Publications

We have a hard time imagining a world without printed stuff. Print can be found in books, journals, newspapers, and prints of great paintings, as well as in everyday items such as theatrical programs, official circulars, calendars, diaries, ads, and street corner theatre posters. We read printed literature, view printed images, read newspapers for news, and keep track of public arguments in print. We often take the world of print for granted, forgetting that there was a period before it. We may not realize it, but print has a long history that has affected our current reality.

New Forms of Publications

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Q 1. What is platen?...

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