Neutralization Reaction

Question 1: What is the Neutralization Reaction?


Chemical reaction involving acid and base as reactant to form salt and water as product, is known as Nuetralization reaction. For example, reaction of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide forms common salt and water i.e.,

HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

Question 2: What is the heat of neutralization?


Neutralization is a exothermic reaction, as there is heat produced during the reaction. This heat produced during the reaction is called heat of neutralization. 

Question 3: What neutralizes stomach acid?


Antacid tablets which contains some common alkali such as  aluminum hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, and magnesium trisilicate, used to nutralize acidity of the stomach.

Question 4: Write two examples of Neutralization Reaction.


Reaction of hydrocholoric acid and ammonia,

HCl + NH3 → NH4Cl

Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide and Hrdrocholoric Acid,

HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

are two examples of Nuetralization Reaction.

Question 5: What is Neutralization Curve?


A plot of pH against the volume of alkali added to the solution (in mL) is known as the neutralization curve, which is sometimes called the titration curve as it is used in the process of titration.

Question 6: What is the enthalpy of Neutralization?


When one gram of acid is completely neutralized by the base, the total emitted heat during the process is known as the “enthalpy of neutralization.”

Neutralization Reaction

Neutralization Reaction, in chemistry, is a reaction between acid and alkali to produce salt and water. The natural world exhibits pairs that complement and sometimes neutralize each other. For instance, if there is poison, there is also an antidote, and if there is fire, there is also water, which can be regarded as its polar opposite that can neutralize the effect of one another. Life and death are other examples of this complementary pairing. In chemistry, a complementary pair known as Acid-Base exists, which neutralizes each other’s effects and behaves oppositely when treated with various common substances.

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